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In Humboldt Country, Cannabis Keeps Growing Alongside Profits

Why the legal marketplace is working to their advantage.

If there was concern that “legal weed” would negatively affect some of the more established marijuana growers in the country, Humboldt County, California’s cannabis hub, sees anything but a problem. According to Lost Coast Outpost, the region can’t keep up with the demand for its product.

“It’s kind of a feeding frenzy, honestly,” said Scott Davies, owner of several local cannabis companies and board chair of the Humboldt County Growers Alliance, a trade association representing roughly 300 people in the industry.

“There’s just a buzz,” agreed HCGA Executive Director Terra Carver. “Prices are up and holding, and this late in the year it’s not usual to see that.”

“The market upswing isn’t limited to the legal market, either. For better or worse, the black market — which has been rebranded as the “traditional market,” the “legacy market” or, if you must, the “illicit” or “illegal market” — is also booming.”

Read more about Humboldt’s cannabis boom here.

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