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Awkwafina Will Develop a Film About the Rise of California Punk in San Francisco’s Chinatown

Chucks and chopsticks.

Inspired by an article on Topic.com called “How Chinese Food Fueled the Rise of California Punk, actress Awkwafina is developing a film about the unlikely collision of San Francisco’s Chinatown restaurants and the music genre.

According to Deadline, “The article (written by Madeline Leung Coleman)explores how, during the recession of the late 1970s and early 1980s, Chinatown restaurants from Sacramento to San Francisco started renting their banquet halls for rehearsal space and booking the young bands of nascent West Coast punk as dinner entertainment to bring in additional business. The article puts shine on these Chinese and Filipino restaurants and how they became some of California’s most important venues and the focal point of the seminal West Coast punk music scene. The project is being overseen by by Ryan Heller, Topic’s SVP Film & Acquisitions.”

Read more here.

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