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For California “Budtenders,” Business Is Booming

Move over baristas, there’s another legion of experts coming to an eatery near you.

Back in October 2019, California made history when the LA-based Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Cafe opened its doors and became the first-ever cannabis restaurant in the United States. At the time there were 15 other “consumption lounges” targeted for development in the city, which would make West Hollywood one of the hottest cannabis destinations in the country.

To power each of these destinations, you need employees who are not only knowledgeable but personable and good at explaining what is probably a completely new universe of knowledge to all manner of clientele. These “weed sommeliers,” or “budtenders” as they’re often called, are there to educate and make recommendations on cannabis pairings that might go well with one of Lowell Farms’ many delectable dishes. (None of the items on the menu contain cannabis, by the way.)

But as many budtenders are finding, compensation isn’t quite where they’d want it to be given the broad scope of knowledge they need to possess. Click here to read the full article.

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