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Pasadena-Based Papa & Barkley Commit to a “Clean Cannabis” Program

The company hopes to set new industry standards for sourcing and production.

Papa & Barkley, who credit themselves as California’s #1 cannabis wellness brand, are starting off the New Year with a plan to step up their cultivation pedigree and continue to lead the industry through example. Their recently released “Declaration of Clean Cannabis” is a north star for how they plan to continue to produce clean, premium, responsibly sourced cannabis using best-in-class methods.

The outline is broken into five key principles: organic and regenerative farming practices, whole plant infusion, clean ingredients, triple-testing via a 3rd party and solventless extraction.

“We believe in clean cannabis as being at the core of what we do,” says Adam Grossman, the company’s founder and CEO. “Our mission is to unlock the potential of cannabis to improve people’s lives and we are committed to sourcing clean cannabis and making great products using best-in-class production methods.”

To read more about Papa & Barkley’s “Declaration of Clean Cannabis,” click here.

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