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Monday Moods: “Members Only”

A new 5-pack of tunes for your favorites list.

We like to keep things eclectic around here, so whenever you cue up a new Monday Moods selection, you should expect to hear a little bit of everything. This week’s 5-pack features a nice mix of sounds and styles from some talented Cali up-and-comers and seasoned vets. The Habits’ Wolf Bradley and Andrew Macatrao started making beautiful music together when they met in San Pedro, and their latest EP—the ironically titled What’s The Worst That Could Happen?—is packed with alt-pop gems. LA-based ONES draw from a dreamy, electric mix of sonics and tones for “The Only Living Girl in LA,” their debut single. Another LA trio, Smokescreens, dropped their third full-length back in October, which includes the jangly jam “Working Title.” “It’s a song about being at your wit’s end and wanting time to stop so you can catch your breath,” says Smokescreens’ Chris Rosi. Yeah, man. We can relate.

As usual, the tracks below—along with dozens more—can be heard on our “Stay Golden” Spotify playlist. Make sure you smash that follow button to get new tunes served up every week, all from artists who call the Golden State home.

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The Only Ocean

“Wasted Days”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/2faf5hIyiVA7JtPV32lfGp?si=kJ8wmiriTvGYKQ-MbgMk-Q”] LISTEN [/button]


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“The Only Living Girl in LA”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/243n7rSgo7Gkkt2Z16yEeK?si=2Gm_kfAsQkSuE-1an1Rl6g”] LISTEN [/button]


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The Habits

“It’s Only Love”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/6J8oECeGeJqUKYOGjQGFOv?si=XTYHOxoeRO-M-zG50K71RA”] LISTEN [/button]


[column md=”4″]


“Working Title”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/2qf5vVXZHKwjz0GVhm16BS?si=aFaZXlBITYOyMttod0hbkw”] LISTEN [/button]


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“Save Myself”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/6QDZlGAY1njNqAdOM6PryZ?si=4ADlSb9IRmWzqSyKbnMz7g”] LISTEN [/button]




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