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Pronoun Skates Into Stardom with “Run”

The artist’s 2018 debut album is already one of the year’s top offerings.

2019 has been a big year for indie artist Pronoun (née Alyse Vellturo). Her debut album, I’ll Show You Stronger, was lauded by tastemaking site Uproxx as their “#1 Best Indie Album of the Year,” while The Onion’s AV Club included the record in their Best Music of 2019 So Far list. The 12-track offering is packed with pristinely produced power pop ballads and alt-rock gems, the grandest of which is “Run.”

Says Vellturo of the song’s LA influence, “A huge goal of this project is to challenge myself and make myself so uncomfortable I want to implode. A big part of Pronoun was born from events in Los Angeles, I hadn’t been back since. Everything about it is like, Wait what the hell is she doing…there? And that’s kind of how I feel about the entire past three years.”

The video, which shows Vellturo skateboarding through various LA neighborhoods, is directed by Ryan Watanabe, who also directed LA artist mxmtoon’s video for “seasonal depression.”

Click here to watch the video for “Run,” and check out Vellturo’s entire debut LP, I’ll Show You Stronger, here.

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