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Revisit Alisan Porter’s Holiday Edition of Library Sessions

Singer-songwriter Alisan Porter stops by the Golden State office for a special holiday set.

Last Christmas, singer-songwriter and former The Voice winner Alisan Porter blessed us with a beautiful set of new songs and holiday favorites in a special edition of our Library Sessions live music series.

Throughout Porter’s remarkable career, she has taken on many roles. As a child in Massachusetts, she won Star Search and soon relocated to Los Angeles. She landed roles in films like Curly Sue and Parenthood, as well as TV series like Pee-Wee’s Playhouse and The Golden Girls. With a passion for music, she immersed herself in her high school’s musical theater program. She landed parts on Broadway, returned to Los Angeles to form a band, then headed back to the New York City stage for a role in A Chorus Line.

Relive and magic of the season here. A special thank you to our sponsors Toyota Sienna and SiriusXM for making our special holiday edition of The Library Sessions possible.

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